


Towards an Autonomous Future

SafeNav is a highly innovative, digital collision prevention solution that will significantly reduce the probability of collisions, impact damage, grounding, and contribute to safer navigation by faster reliable real-time detection of a variety of obstacles (other vessels, fixed installations, submerged / semi-submerged objects, and marine mammals) in the marine environment, using data from state- of-the art sensors and other relevant sources, and effective visual representation of the multi- source data to the navigators for quick COLREG- based decision- making support. This is a stepping-stone towards remote-operated and autonomous shipping.

Joined by 11 esteemed partners.

Safenav Partners - Ladar Sensor Suite


Maritime laser for collision avoidance in high speed shipping and vessel traffic management

The MARINA project includes the invention of the LadarTM Sensor Suite, which offers a more complete, accurate, reliable, and adaptable solution to maritime security, safety, and surveillance. The Suite also protects large and small vessels, ports, offshore and onshore platforms, pipelines, amongst others from sea and port collisions with other vessels and with floating, partially submerged, and submerged objects, such as containers and ice floes. In addition, the innovative solution enables the surveillance of infrastructures or areas, law enforcement, maintenance, and environmental activities.

Joined by 5 esteemed partners.

This project communication and update will be directly on this Ladar AI web page.

Marina Partners - Ladar Sensor Suite